Editorial Eman
1. INSERTS: In this issue you will find a double page colored insert. One half of it provides two order blanks. It would be appreciated if you would use one of these hen ordering to fac- ilitate handling and make it easier to prevent mistakes. Orders for TVia or other articles or publications that are given in the body of a letter are sometimes overlooked and lead to later con- fusion. There are two blanks, one of these you can use right a- way to order #13 and you still have on e to spare if you decided to order something else later on.
The second half is a short questionaire. In the original questionaire that was sent out there was no question about re- ligion and the question about occupation was very general. At the time I did not want to be specific about the job for fear it could be too closely related to the other information re- quested and might frighten readers out of returning the whole questionaire. However, since that time, interest has been shown by several professional persons in the aspects of both religion and specific jobs being done by TVs. If you wish to append your code, please do as it will enable this return to be fastened to your other report. However, name or code number is not required and because of this it is hoped that all of you who turned in the original questionaire will return this one too in order that we will have the information to build a more complete picture of TVism in 1961 America in a forthcoming report in one of the med- ical journals. In the matter of the religious affiliation, many are inclined to respond Atreist or Agnostic. In this case will you indicate the affiliation your parents belonged to or that you were brought up in as a child. Your cooperation, please.
II. It is necessary to try things out sometimes to see how they will work and sometimes goals that seem desirable turn out to be not as satisfactory as hoped for. This has been part of the story of TVia. I have experimented over past issues with colors, paper, bindings etc. Sometimes the new idea turned out better than the old and some time worse. I hope you will all bear with these trials and tribulations and I think are about at the end of them. This issue as you see is print-